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Create a Project

The first thing for us to do is to create a project to work in. As discussed in the Core Concepts, we advise you use a project to reflect an entire stack, but otherwise, the project is arbitrary.

Creating a Project

You can create a project using the ReSim CLI.

resim projects create --name "autonomy-stack" --description "Our autonomy stack"

Using the CLI with projects

All further commands will expect you to declare a project, for example:

resim experiences create --project "autonomy-stack" --name "my experience" --description "My experience description" --location "s3://..."

In order to make this a better user experience, you can set a default project:

resim projects select "autonomy-stack"

Once selected, the previous command can be written:

resim experiences create --name "my experience" --description "My experience description" --location "s3://..."

To find out what project you have selected and to select another, you can use:

resim projects list

In the ReSim app, the project name is displayed in the top right hand corner. You can select your project via a dropdown.


This dropdown is currently not persisted through user sessions: the app will, by default, auto-select the most recently created project. If you have feedback on this feature or requests for more functionality around projects, feel free to reach out to