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In this example, you will configure a GitLab project which contains the test application that you would like to run.

Note that you will need a ReSim project. You can create a project with the ReSim CLI.

Referring to GitLab's documentation about CI variables as required, navigate to your project's CI/CD Settings and scroll to and expand the Variables section.

Add the following 2 variables:

  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID - set the value of this to the access key generated above
  • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY - set the value of this to the secret access key generated above

Also add one of these sets of variables. Your ReSim contact will provide you with either a client ID and secret, or a username and password:


If you plan to use a merge request workflow, these variables should not be protected (so that branches can use them to push images and run tests in ReSim), or the branches you raise MRs for should be covered by a branch protection rule.

If you would like CI pipelines to be able to comment on merge requests, you also need to set a variable containing a GitLab authentication token, either a personal access token or a project token, with at least the api scope.

GitLab variables

Add a .gitlab-ci.yml file to the root of the repository.

Below is an example of building and pushing a Docker image to an ECR repository. If you use this example, make sure to replace the following placeholder values:

  • <AWS account number> - replace with your AWS account number
  • <AWS region> - replace with the AWS region in which you have deployed your ECR repository, e.g. us-east-1
  • <repository name> - replace with the name of the ECR repository, e.g. the name of the application
  • <your project name> - replace with the name of your ReSim project
  • <your project id> - replace with the id of your ReSim project
  • <your build commands> - the commands you run to build a Docker image containing your application
  • <your image name> - the name of the Docker image created by your build
  • <your experience ids> - the experience(s) you want to test against (see Adding Experiences), comma-separated
  - build
  - comment # Optional - configures this workflow to post a results link if it's triggered by an MR

  stage: build

  # Start a Docker daemon we can use to build images
   - name: docker:dind
     alias: dockerdaemon

  # Run this job if this is an MR, a tag, or the default branch
    - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == 'merge_request_event'
    - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG

    DOCKER_HOST: tcp://dockerdaemon:2375/
    DOCKER_DRIVER: overlay2
    PROJECT_ID: <your project id>
    SYSTEM_NAME: <your system name>

    # First, you need to build a Docker image containing your application.  Put your build commands below.
    <your build commands>
    # For example
    # - docker build . -t <your image name>:latest
    # Store our new image's URI as a variable to use later. Make sure you update these placeholder values
    - IMAGE_URI=<AWS account number>.dkr.ecr.<AWS region><repository name>:$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA
    # We are using $CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA as image tag - this variable is set automatically by GitLab to the first 8 characters of the commit that triggered the run
    # Using this tag lets us map built images to code (and the inverse) easily
    - docker tag <your image name>:latest $IMAGE_URI
    # Log in to ECR so we can push the image. Make sure you update these placeholder values
    - aws ecr get-login-password --region <AWS region> | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin <AWS account number>.dkr.ecr.<AWS region>
    - docker push $IMAGE_URI
    # Install the latest version of the ReSim CLI
    - curl -L -o resim
    - chmod +x resim
    # Register our new image with ReSim as a build
    - BUILD_ID_OUTPUT=$(./resim builds create --system $SYSTEM_NAME --description "A quadcopter simulation" --version "$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA" --project $PROJECT_ID --branch "$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME" --image "$IMAGE_URI" --auto-create-branch --github)
    # Run a batch with the new build
    - BATCH_ID_OUTPUT=$(./resim batches create --project $PROJECT_ID --build-id ${BUILD_ID_OUTPUT#build_id=} --experiences "<your experience IDs or names>" --github)
    - echo $BATCH_ID_OUTPUT >> build.env

  # This passes data to the next job
      dotenv: build.env

# To comment a results link for the batch above on an MR, this command uses a GitLab token from the variable $MY_GITLAB_TOKEN. You may need to change the name of this variable here or in your project's settings.
  stage: comment
  # Configure this job to run only on MRs
    - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == 'merge_request_event'

    PROJECT_ID: <your project id>

    # this syntax (a folded block scalar) stops YAML complaining about the colons in this string
    - >
      curl --location --request POST "$CI_MERGE_REQUEST_PROJECT_ID/merge_requests/$CI_MERGE_REQUEST_IID/notes" --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: $MY_GITLAB_TOKEN" --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data-raw "{ \"body\": \"View results on []($PROJECT_ID/batches/$batch_id)\" }"