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ReSim View

Visualization is a critical accelerator for robotics development. When developing and debugging robotics code there is simply no substitute for a good picture of what is going on in 3D space. Objects like vectors, transforms, geometries, and curves are very difficult to reason about up until the moment they are visualized. Then, the human brain can bring to bear its innate abilities to reason about 3D space and gain insights much more quickly and correctly. It is for this reason that visualization is of prime importance to our mission.

The main visualization tool at the code level is ReSim View. In a single phrase, this tool is "print statements for 3D objects". In the same way that a print or log statement can help one reason about the behavior of non-robotics code, a View statement allows users a quick and lightweight way to see their 3D objects. Here's how it works:

First, a user adds a VIEW() statement to their code, enclosing one of a set of supported types. The types currently include:

  1. Named coordinate frames (Frame).
  2. 3D rotations (SO3).
  3. 3D poses (SE3).
  4. Arc length parameterized curves (DCurve).
  5. Time parameterized curves (TCurve and Trajectory).
  6. Vectors in a coordinate frame (FramedVector).

It's also possible to assign a name to each object being viewed which can make it much easier when viewing many different objects at once. This is done with the << operator to pipe a name into the view statment. Here's an example of how one might visualize a transform with named coordinate frames:

#include "resim/transforms/frame.hh"
#include "resim/transforms/se3.hh"
#include "resim/transforms/so3.hh"
#include "resim/visualization/view.hh"

// ...

using resim::transforms::SE3;
using resim::transforms::SO3;
using Frame = resim::transforms::Frame<SE3::DIMS /* 3 */>;

// Generate new frames with unique ids:
const Frame scene = Frame::new_frame();
const Frame robot = Frame::new_frame();

const SE3 scene_from_robot{
    SO3::identity(),  // Rotation
    {1., 0., 1.},     // Translation
    scene,            // Destination/Into Frame
    robot             // Source/From Frame

// We're using the << operator to add a name to our frame. If we don't use
// it, the frame id is used instead.
VIEW(scene) << "Scene Frame";
VIEW(scene_from_robot) << "My Transform";

When this statement is executed at run time, it will prompt the user to authenticate (if they have not previously):

Authenticate at the following URL:

And once authenticated the user will be given a link which they can follow to observe their visualization in Foxglove Studio.

View your data visualization in the ReSim App:

Following this link opens Foxglove Studio in your browser with the visualization:

Transform View

If you don't initially see anything, you may have to enter the 3D panel settings and set its display frame to one of the frames in your scene (e.g. "Scene Frame" for this example):

Set Frame

Foxglove Studio will automatically build a scene graph for you from the frames you provide. Consider the following example:

#include "resim/transforms/frame.hh"
#include "resim/transforms/se3.hh"
#include "resim/transforms/so3.hh"
#include "resim/visualization/view.hh"

// ...

using resim::transforms::SE3;
using resim::transforms::SO3;
using Frame = resim::transforms::Frame<SE3::DIMS /* 3 */>;

// Generate new frames with unique ids:
const Frame scene = Frame::new_frame();
const Frame robot = Frame::new_frame();
const Frame sensor = Frame::new_frame();

const SE3 scene_from_robot{
    SO3::identity(),  // Rotation
    {1., 0., 1.},     // Translation
    scene,            // Destination/Into Frame
    robot             // Source/From Frame

const SE3 robot_from_sensor{
    SO3(M_PI, {0., 0., 1}),  // Rotation
    {-0.25, 0.25, 0.25},     // Translation
    robot,                   // Destination/Into Frame
    sensor                   // Source/From Frame

// We're using the << operator to add a name to our frame. If we don't use
// it, the id is used instead.
VIEW(scene) << "Scene Frame";
VIEW(robot) << "Robot";
VIEW(scene_from_robot) << "Scene from Robot";

VIEW(sensor) << "Sensor";
VIEW(robot_from_sensor) << "Robot from Sensor";

Scene Graph

As mentioned above, ReSim View is capable of visualizing many more data types. Rather than go through these in detail here, we refer the reader to the examples in resim/visualization/examples/ to explore and play around with the full capabilities of the tool. Don't forget to play around with the "play" button in Foxglove Studio when working with the time parameterized TCurve or Trajectory objects!


Feel free to play around with the source code for the examples above.