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Variant Matching


When working with variants, one very frequently encounters cases of branching logic depending on what's present in the variant. Typically this looks like this:

std::variant<int, char, double, bool> my_variant = 'm';

// ...

if (std::holds_alternative<char>(my_variant)) {
  const char my_char = std::get<char>(my_variant);
  // <Do something with my_char>
} else if (std::holds_alternative<int>(my_variant)) {
  const int my_int = std::get<int>(my_variant);
  // <Do something with my_int>
} else {
  // <Handle default case>

It can be a bit annoying to set up this branching logic every time, and such an approach can sometimes be clunkier when multiple variant cases can be supported with the same logic (e.g. if we just want to convert all cases in std::variant<int, float, double> to double). To address such cases, we include an implementation of pattern matching that allows users to provide a list of functors (referred to as branches) that can be applied to the current variant to the match() function. The branch which best matches the current case of the variant according to C++'s overload resolution rules will be selected and executed on the current case of the variant. The match() function then returns any value returned by the selected functor. Note that all functors must have the same return type and all variant cases must match at least one of the functors.


Here's how you can perform pattern matching with the match() function:

std::variant<int, char, double, bool> my_variant = 'm';

// ...

    << match(
           // case: char
           [](const char c) { return "This variant contains a char!"; },
           // case: int
           [](const int i) { return "This variant contains an int!"; },
           // default:
           [](const auto x) {
             return "This variant contains a double or bool!";
    << std::endl;

Gotchas / Pitfalls

Due to the current implementation of this functionality, users should be aware of a few limitations. TL;DR just wrap every branch in a non-mutable lambda to be safe if you aren't sure.

  • The functors passed must be functors. Function pointers don't work. As a simple work-around, users can wrap these in a non-mutable lambda.

  • The functors should not define non-const operator(). This admonition includes any lambdas marked mutable. Because non-const member functions are preferred over const in overload resolution, this can cause ambiguities when other branches can potentially bind the current type (e.g. a int branch binding a char). We considered disabling all non-const operator() overloads, but decided that this would be more likely to cause silent errors in most cases (i.e. a default case might simply be used when a user didn't expect it). If a user must use a functor with a non-const operator(), they can work around it again by wrapping in a non-mutable lambda.

  • Functors that are passed as lvalues will end up being copied. If a user wishes to avoid this as an optimization, they can do so by reference capturing it in a lambda that they then pass in instead.

Development Opportunities

  • It's not all that hard to add some functionality to convert any function pointers passed into match() into lambdas, but we haven't done it yet since that use case is very rare.

  • It's possible to avoid copying functors passed as lvalues, but we believe this would require a much more complex implementation than is warranted for this edge case.


Feel free to play around with the source code for the example above.