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Lie Groups



This is not written from the perspective of a mathematician or physicist, but rather from the perspective of an engineer that has found Lie groups to be an indespensible tool for robotics. The knowledge here is primarily practical knowledge built up over experience, so it is very likely that some of the mathematical details are not precisely correct as written. Please don't hesitate to reach out and let us know if you find any errors!

Lie groups are mathematical objects with a rich history of study and application. They are named for the Norwegian mathematician Sophus Lie who pioneered the mathematics of continuous transformation groups.

Why should we use Lie groups in robotics? The answer is that robotics is replete with examples of continuous transform groups. One example is the fundamental concept of pose. A pose describes a rigid-body transformation from one set of coordinates to another. Most commonly, a robot's location and orientation relative to the world is represented by the pose (or rigid transformation) relating the "world" and "robot" frames.

There are, of course, many ways of representing a robot's pose. Orientation alone can be represented by Euler angles, quaternions, rotation matrices, etc. Using Lie groups affords us two primary advantages:

  • First, the set of all orientations and the set of all poses are both Lie groups. Representing them as such allows us to write generic algorithms (like Hermite spline construction or Newtonian dynamics) that operate equally well on both since both are equipped with the same basic Lie group properties. This would be impossible to do, for example, if we represented orientations as quaternions (which otherwise have very nice properties) and poses as tuples of (quaternion, translation vector).

  • Second, every Lie group has a corresponding Lie algebra (a vector space), which can be used to describe its structure locally (i.e. near any given element in the group). This means that we can do a lot of things on Lie groups that we normally know how to do on vector spaces. For instance, we can:

    • Construct Gaussian distributions on the Lie group of rigid body transformations (SE(3)) and sample from them.

    • Interpolate between recorded actor poses to produce a trajectory without worrying about wrap-around issues that might result if we interpolated poses with Euler angles describing their orientations.

    • Write loss functions on orientations and use them for optimal control, once again without worrying about wrap-around or singularities.

    • Take the derivatives of our poses and represent them using elements of the corresponding Lie algebra.

We've glossed over everything exceptionally briefly here, so I would encourage the curious reader to peruse the external links below.

LieGroup Interface

In an effort to make Lie-groups-related code more reusable, we require each implementation of a Lie group object (that is an object representing an element of a Lie group) to satify a few constraints.

First, the implementation must inherit from the LieGroup template. This base class is templated on the dimensionality of the input to the transform (e.g. 3 for 3D rotations), and the number of degrees of freedom for this group (e.g. 6 = {3 rotational} + {3 translational} for rigid body transformations). This base template also defines some helpful aliases for tangent vectors (i.e. members of the Lie algebra).

Second, the implementation should satisfy the LieGroupType concept which enforces a number of the group axioms (e.g. group action, invertability, identity, etc.). We implement these checks as a concept since different groups need different signatures so inheritance doesn't allow us to enforce them.

Lie Groups Implemented

SO(3) - The Special Orthogonal Group in 3D. The set of all rotations.

SE(3) - The Special Euclidian Group in 3D. The set of all rigid transformations.

Framed Groups

As discussed above, Lie group elements are frequently used to represent transformations between coordinate frames. In practice, this can often lead to mistakes when users of Lie group libraries compose group elements in the wrong order (e.g. multiplying robot_from_sensor times scene_from_robot). These small mistakes are simple enough that they should be possible to catch, at least at runtime. We therefore assign a unique id to each coordinate frame. Group elements thus have two frame ids that they track (into and from). When two elements are multiplied, consistency is enforced between them. More precisely, if a pose that transforms points in frame B's coordinates to frame A's coordinates (call the transform A_from_B) and a similar transform C_from_D then we should fail if the user ever tries to multiply A_from_B * C_from_D. However A_from_B * B_from_D is fine. Unframed groups are supported, by setting the frame to a null (0) id, in which case they are not checked. Be aware that multiplying an unframed group by a framed group will always result in an unframed group, so unframed groups can propagate quickly!

More Information

For more information on the features our Lie group classes provide for working with the derivatives of functions involving Lie groups, please refer to this guide.

For more information, please take a look at the following links: