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Multivariate Gaussian

Gaussian (i.e. normal) distributions are very useful in robotics (and in engineering more broadly) because physical quantities are quite often distributed in this way. This is because the sample mean of a collection of independent and identically distributed (iid) random variables is normally distributed assuming the underlying distribution has finite variance. Gaussian assumptions underlie the frequently-used Kalman filter algorithm, optimal control theory, and many other useful mathematical tools for robotics.

Accordingly, it can be quite useful to use a Gaussian distribution when generating plausible physical values for use in a simulation. Of course, it is often the case that the values we might like to generate for a simulation are not independently distributed. For example, let's say we're trying to generate a realistic and representative road-using vehicle agent for our robot to interact with, and we want to generate values for the agent's height as well as a parameter representing their average speed. Intuitively we may expect that these parameters are negatively correlated since short sports cars tend to drive faster than tall class 8 trucks. Therefore, we shouldn't independently sample each parameter from a scalar Gaussian distribution. If we did, we would end up with as many fast-moving trucks as fast-moving sports cars! We instead want to sample from a realistic joint distribution for the two quantities which we approximate as a Gaussian with mean and covariance:

\[ \mu = \begin{bmatrix} 20 \\ 2 \end{bmatrix}\quad\quad \Sigma = \begin{bmatrix} 4.8 & -0.96 \\ -0.96 & 0.25 \\ \end{bmatrix} \]

To sample from this distribution, we could do the following:

#include <fmt/core.h>

#include <Eigen/Dense>
#include <fstream>

#include "resim/math/multivariate_gaussian.hh"

// ...

using resim::math::Gaussian;
using Vec = Gaussian::Vec;
using Mat = Gaussian::Mat;

// Set up our Gaussian sampler
Vec mean = Vec::Zero(2);
mean << 20., 2.;

Mat covariance = Mat::Zero(2, 2);
covariance << 4.8, -0.96, -0.96, 0.25;

Gaussian gaussian{mean, covariance};

// Sample the distribution:
Gaussian::SamplesMat samples = gaussian.samples(1000);

// Write our data out
std::ofstream output;"gaussian_samples.csv");
for (const auto &sample : samples.rowwise()) {
  output << fmt::format("{0}, {1}", sample.x(), sample.y()) << std::endl;

Which gives the following samples: Gaussian Samples

As you can see, we've produced a qualitatively reasonable set of values where agents with smaller heights tend to have a higher average speed. We could now use these to generate a set of simulation scenarios with agents like this. In reality we would likely want to use sample means and covariances based on real world data rather than making up a qualitatively nice mean and covariance like we did for this example, but hopefully this gives a taste of how this library can be used in production code.


Feel free to play around with the source code for the example above.