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Curves are functions from a single real scalar variable (such as time) to another manifold (such as 3D space or a Lie group). Consequently, they end up being very useful for representing the trajectory of a rigid body over time (among other things), so we provide two primary classes to represent curves through Lie groups:

  • DCurve: This class represents an arc-length-parameterized curve through SE3. It gives an SE3 object as a function of the distance travelled along the curve.
  • TCurve: This class gives a twice continuously differentiable time-parameterized curve built up from a sequence of quintic Hermite spline segments.

Each of these has its own peculiarities and uses which we will outline in detail.


A DCurve is a sequence of geodesic segments that interpolate between a vector of SE3 objects passed to its constructor. More precisely we can make a piecewise geodesic curve connecting the frames described by each SE3 object we passed in order. We can query the curve as a function of the arc length along it using the DCurve::point_at() function. As the arc length increases from zero, the curve will move through each of the SE3s we passed into the constructor creating a continuous curve. DCurves are useful whenever one has a set of points with headings (or full orientations) and they want to produce a reasonable continuous geometry connecting them. This could be the case if a user wants to represent static geometry, such as the center-line of a road, or a boundary around an area. However, one should note that the derivatives of the motion along a DCurve are not continuous when switching from one segment to the next. Furthermore, they do not work well if they have zero-length segments. Here's an example of how to construct and use a DCurve:

#include "resim/assert/assert.hh"
#include "resim/curves/d_curve.hh" 
#include "resim/transforms/se3.hh"
#include "resim/transforms/so3.hh"
#include "resim/visualization/view.hh"

// ...

using resim::transforms::SE3;
using resim::transforms::SO3;
using Frame = resim::transforms::Frame<3>;

const Frame world_frame{Frame::new_frame()};
VIEW(world_frame) << "World frame";
const Frame d_curve_frame{Frame::new_frame()};
VIEW(d_curve_frame) << "DCurve";

// Make a DCurve that goes straight for one unit, turns left along a unit
// circle for pi/2 radians, continues straight in the y direction for one
// unit, and then turns to the right back to its original heading along a unit
// circle.
const resim::curves::DCurve<SE3> d_curve{
    SE3::identity(world_frame, d_curve_frame),
    SE3{{1., 0., 0.}, world_frame, d_curve_frame},
    SE3{SO3{M_PI_2, {0., 0., 1.}}, {2., 1., 0.}, world_frame, d_curve_frame},
    SE3{SO3{M_PI_2, {0., 0., 1.}}, {2., 2., 0.}, world_frame, d_curve_frame},
    SE3{{3., 3., 0.}, world_frame, d_curve_frame},

// Query a point halfway along the third edge:
const double QUERY_ARC_LENTH = 1.0 + M_PI_2 + 0.5;
const SE3 reference_from_queried{d_curve.point_at(QUERY_ARC_LENTH)};

    reference_from_queried.rotation().is_approx(SO3{M_PI_2, {0., 0., 1.}}));
    Eigen::Vector3d{2., 1.5, 0.}));

VIEW(d_curve) << "My DCurve";

This produces a curve that looks like this:

DCurve Example

Two Jet

Before we address TCurve objects, we need to discuss the TwoJet object. Briefly, a TwoJet is a struct containing a Lie group element along with its first and second derivatives. There are two varieties of TwoJet, namely TwoJetR and TwoJetL. The distinction between them is that TwoJetR represents its first and second derivatives as right tangent vectors (described fully in Using SO(3) and SE(3) and Lie Group Derivatives), whereas TwoJetL uses left tangent vectors. For simplicity, we'll use the actor::state::RigidBodyState abstraction in our example to make defining these easy. That way, we can write clearer code that doesn't require us reason about tangent vectors.


A TCurve represents a time-based trajectory using a sequence of quintic Hermite splines on the group \(\text{SE(3)}\) (or \(\text{SO(3)}\)). The details of this operation are outlined here, but the main take-away is that this creates a curve through \(\text{SE(3)}\) which is twice continuously differentiable (\(\text{C}^2\)) as it proceeds through a set of user-provided control points. All we need to create a TCurve is a sequence of control points which each have a time along with a TwoJetL that describes the desired pose and derivatives at that time. One major use of TCurves is to replay observed actor trajectories in a simulation. One simply has to take the observed states of the actors from an autonomy log and convert them into control points from which they can make a TCurve. Then, the simulation just has to query this TCurve over time to replay the trajectory. Usually, it is recommended to use the actor::state::Trajectory class, which is a higher-level wrapper for TCurve in such cases. Note that the control points must be monotonically increasing in time for the curve to be valid. Here's an example of how we can create one:

#include "resim/actor/state/rigid_body_state.hh"
#include "resim/assert/assert.hh"
#include "resim/curves/t_curve.hh"
#include "resim/transforms/frame.hh"
#include "resim/transforms/se3.hh"
#include "resim/transforms/so3.hh"
#include "resim/visualization/view.hh"

// ...

using resim::transforms::SE3;
using resim::transforms::SO3;
using RigidBodyState = resim::actor::state::RigidBodyState<SE3>;
using TCurve = resim::curves::TCurve<SE3>;
using Frame = resim::transforms::Frame<3>;

const Frame t_curve_frame{Frame::new_frame()};
VIEW(t_curve_frame) << "TCurve";

// Define some states that we want to pass through
// A state at the origin with a small forward velocity
RigidBodyState state_a{SE3::identity(world_frame, t_curve_frame)};
state_a.set_body_linear_velocity_mps({0.1, 0., 0.});

// A state at (1, 1, 0) oriented along the x axis with a small forward
// velocity and a small angular velocity about the x axis.
RigidBodyState state_b{SE3{{1., 1., 0.}, world_frame, t_curve_frame}};
state_b.set_body_linear_velocity_mps({0.1, 0., 0.});
state_b.set_body_angular_velocity_radps({0.1, 0., 0.});

// A state at (3, 0, 0.5) with a rotation of pi/4 about the z axis
RigidBodyState state_c{
    SE3{SO3{M_PI_4, {0., 0., 1.}},
        {3., 0., 0.5},
state_c.set_body_linear_velocity_mps({0.1, 0., 0.});

// Create a t_curve by getting left two jets from the states:
const TCurve t_curve{{
        .time = 0.,
        .point = state_a.ref_from_body_two_jet().left_two_jet(),
        .time = 10.,
        .point = state_b.ref_from_body_two_jet().left_two_jet(),
        .time = 20.,
        .point = state_c.ref_from_body_two_jet().left_two_jet(),

// Visualize
VIEW(t_curve) << "My TCurve";

The resulting curve looks like this: TCurve Example


Feel free to play around with the source code for the examples above.