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Error Handling


It is practically inevitable that errors will be encountered in any sufficiently complex software. In order to handle errors when they occur, we divide errors into the following categories:

  • Recoverable Errors: This is the class of errors where this is some possibility of the error being handled gracefully by the calling code. An example might be the case where a client is trying to connect to a server and it should re-try if the connection fails.

  • Unrecoverable Errors: This is the class of errors where there is (and should be) no way for the program to continue if encountered. Such an error means that the program is fundamentally invalid in some way. An example might be the case where I insert something into a std::set and then std::map::contains() returns false for that element. In this case, the contract of a specific interface has failed and there's no way for the caller to gracefully handle that.

Within ReSim's libraries, we have specific ways of handling each of these error types outlined below.

Unrecoverable Errors: REASSERT()

For unrecoverable errors we use the REASSERT() macro. Using this macro is very simple:

#include "resim/assert/assert.hh"

// ...

REASSERT(some_other_condition, "Some failure message.");

If some_condition and some_other_condition are both true, then this code runs with no problem. If some_condition is false, the program will exit immediately with:

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'resim::AssertException'
  what():  <path/to/> - ReAssertion failed: (some_condition). Message: 

If some_other_condition is false, then we'll get the Message field populated:

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'resim::AssertException'
  what():  <path/to/> - ReAssertion failed: (some_other_condition). Message: Some failure message.
Note that the text of the condition is always copied verbatim into the output. E.g.:

REASSERT(2 + 2 == 5);
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'resim::AssertException'
  what():  <path/to/> - ReAssertion failed: (2 + 2 == 5). Message: 

Under the hood, REASSERT() throws a resim::AssertException if the condition is false. As noted below, we never catch this exception in production code, so it always terminates the program. The reason we use an exception at all is so that we can verify in unit tests that the assertion would terminate the program when it should do so. We use Google Test's EXPECT_THROW() macro for this:

// ...
void my_failing_subroutine() { REASSERT(false); }

// ...
EXPECT_THROW(my_failing_subroutine(), AssertException);

Recoverable Errors: Status & StatusValue

Why not Exception Handling?

C++ has a built in language feature to handle this sort of error. Namely exception handling. Developers can indicate that such an error has occurred by throwing exceptions which can then be caught in a try block and gracefully handled. The Google C++ Style Guide has a detailed description of why using exceptions in this way is less than ideal. In brief, they can lead to very non-linear control flow which makes the code harder to reason about. Consequently, to the extent possible, we never catch exceptions in our production libraries.

The Alternative

Instead, we use function return values to pass error information up to the caller. This is a well-trodden path with languages like Rust even adding language features to make this sort of error handling syntactically nice. At ReSim we use resim::Status for this. For example:

#include "resim/assert/assert.hh"
#include "resim/utils/status.hh"

using namespace resim;

enum class Arg {

Status my_subroutine(const Arg arg) {
  if (arg == Arg::BAD_ARGUMENT) {
    // Use this to make a new Status object with line number information.
    return MAKE_STATUS("Oh no! We failed!");
  return OKAY_STATUS;

// ...

Status good_status = my_subroutine(Arg::GOOD_ARGUMENT);
REASSERT(good_status.what() == "OKAY");

Status bad_status = my_subroutine(Arg::BAD_ARGUMENT);

REASSERT(not bad_status.ok());

// Call this macro if we decide we want to exit on bad status. I.e. if we
// don't want to gracefully handle the error, although that might be
// possible.

When run, this code outputs the following:

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'resim::AssertException'
  what():  <path/to/> - ReAssertion failed: ((bad_status).ok()). Message: {bad_status.what() == <path/to/> Oh no! We failed!}

Where NN is the line number where CHECK_STATUS_OK() is, and MM is the line number where MAKE_STATUS() is. Note that these might not generally be in the same source file, and we include both so that a user debugging the failure can more easily see where things began to go wrong and also where the issue became unrecoverable.

It's commonly the case that a function may want to handle bad statuses by "passing the buck" up to its caller. Assuming that the enclosing function also returns a status, we can utilize the RETURN_IF_NOT_OK() macro to make this easy:

Status my_wrapping_subroutine(const Arg arg) {
  // This is equivalent to:
  // Status s = my_subroutine(arg);
  // if (not s.ok()) {
  //     return s;
  // }
  return OKAY_STATUS;

// ...

Status good_status = my_wrapping_subroutine(Arg::GOOD_ARGUMENT);
REASSERT(good_status.what() == "OKAY");

Status bad_status = my_wrapping_subroutine(Arg::BAD_ARGUMENT);

REASSERT(not bad_status.ok());

Working with Values

Sometimes, we also want to return a value from a function that can fail. To handle this we use the StatusValue<T> template where T is the type that we want to return. StatusValue<T> is designed and tested to preserve constness and refness of the contained value (i.e. you can do StatusValue<const int &> and return a wrapped reference). It also implements the "buck-passing" behavior that Status does via the RETURN_OR_ASSIGN() macro which works in functions returning Status or StatusValue<T> for any T. Here's an example of StatusValue<T> in action:

#include "resim/utils/status.hh"
#include "resim/utils/status_value.hh"

// ...

StatusValue<int> my_returning_subroutine(const Arg arg) {
  if (arg == Arg::BAD_ARGUMENT) {
    return MAKE_STATUS("Oh no! We failed!");
  return 3;

StatusValue<double> my_returning_wrapper(const Arg arg) {
  int val = RETURN_OR_ASSIGN(my_returning_subroutine(arg));
  return 2.0 * val;

Status my_outer_wrapper(const Arg arg) {
  double val = RETURN_OR_ASSIGN(my_returning_wrapper(arg));
  std::cout << val << std::endl;
  return OKAY_STATUS;

// ...

Status good_status = my_outer_wrapper(Arg::GOOD_ARGUMENT);
REASSERT(good_status.what() == "OKAY");

Status bad_status = my_outer_wrapper(Arg::BAD_ARGUMENT);

This code first prints 6 (for the GOOD_ARGUMENT case) and then outputs:

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'resim::AssertException'
  what():  <path/to/> - ReAssertion failed: ((bad_status).ok()). Message: {bad_status.what() == <path/to/> Oh no! We failed!}

As the error propogates out of the wrappers to the CHECK_STATUS_OK() macro which terminates the program.


Feel free to play around with the source code for the examples above.